Understanding, Anticipating, & Managing Business Risk
This Project Uses: Adobe InDesign
For this project, I was given a document containing text, subheadings, and data. The rest was up to our own choices to create something professional, cohesive, and engaging aesthetically. Everything besides. the data and content given was up to me to effectively communicate.
General Overview
The only image that was given to use was the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission emblem that can be seen on both the front and back of the PDF/booklet. The rest were up to us to choose. The images are all stock photos taken from free image websites (e.g. Unsplash).
The color palette was also up to us to decide. I went with a duo-chromatic combo of yellow and blue, as this combo is popular in academic and professional logos and identities.
Project Takeaways
This project is special to me. As someone who is fixated on stylistic aesthetics, this study in visual communication taught me that everything doesn’t have to be necessarily “fun” to be engaging to both the designer and the audience. It was fun to create this, and I believe that what I’ve created is both effective and ready of the professional world.