Stay Dry & Stay Green!

Multimedia & Product Branding:

Green Umbrellas

This Project Uses: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dimension


Green Umbrellas is a fictitious company that was originally made during a project back in 2019.

In this self-authorship piece, I tackle revising this company and create multimedia marketing strategies and designs through motion design, packaging design, and 3D prototyping.

This project includes:

  • Logo Creation & Ideation

  • Multimedia Usage of Logos

  • 3D Examples of Products

  • Packaging Ideas & Examples

  • 3D Endcap Modeling

Brainstorming & Research

Mood Board created in Milanote

During research, I wanted to find a purpose. Something that would make an umbrella company stand out from the rest. While durability, and sturdiness and other factors is involved in creating an effective umbrella, I wanted to introduce a sustainable aspect.


Revising Lockups

While there isn’t much I changed stylistically with my original logo, the original lockup was tweaked after common misconceptions that viewers had while looking at the mascot. The gecko was often seen misinterpreted as a frog and the eyes contained shapes that only confused the viewer more. Through experimenting with additional shapes and alternatives for eyes, we were able to effectively enhance the logo without losing the charm of the original design.


Our main logo along with other variants are showcased in our company’s business card. Keeping your business card simple is key, so the logo is shown taking up a majority of the front.

On the back, the color orange is used to make important information pop. Digital icons are also used to emphasize a majority of contact information.

Physical Prototyping

We wanted to remain consistent with how we advertise and market our umbrellas stylistically. Our gecko can be seen on all three of our variants, both in a simplified lockup and a repeating pattern.


While the template used doesn’t display our use of sustainable materials, we’re able to get a glimpse of how our logo patterns look on the fabric of an umbrella.

Through the shape of our logo and using a circle on top to align the text, our umbrellas are able to create an arch-shaped pattern that compliments both our logo and the negative space.

Neat & Petite Packaging

To maintain the idea of sustainable, I tried to avoid including any form of packaging that could. be seen as expendable (e.g. plastic boxes). Through minimal packaging using recycled paper, our umbrellas are able to have a positive impact on the environment, as well as a lasting impression to consumers.


Front & Back of Price Tag

Using recycled twine, our in-store price tag can be easily tied around the visible part of the handle.


Storyboarding & Animated Logo


Our gecko mascot envelopes themself in their tail, allowing them to create our umbrella-shaped logo.

In this logo, our goal was to bring our green mascot to life. The gecko can be seen first grabbing onto the screen, this allows them to pull themselves onto the screen, blocking the bottom of the composition. After swinging their tail on screen, we are able to zoom out and watch our mascot land into place in our lockup.

Early Endcap Draft

In this display, we wanted something that is both cohesive and playful. The idea of using the oranges of the palette as earth tones and creating surfaces that depict grassy fields is something that’ll draw people in. Not only is this idea very fun, but it also signals sustainable and eco-friendly themes.


Final Endcap Prototype

The endcap’s final design gravitated towards more rounded shapes instead of angular shelves. With these rounded shelf and the singular sidewall displaying the logos, the endcap is a lot of open and eye catching. With a unique shape and interesting product, our endcap prototype is sure to stand out instead of fading into the background of any participating store.

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Motion Design: Roblox Animated Infographic